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In Memory of Joinerysoft’s Co-founder, Dave Turner

Posted in Panel Wood & Solid Surface in Dez 2020


Joinerysoft regret to inform those in the industry of the sad loss of their co-founder Dave Turner. Dave passed away suddenly on 8th December 2020, aged 78 years from a bleed on the brain which then caused a heart attack. He lived life to the full and had many interests and hobbies which included hot air ballooning, caving, narrowboating and walking.

Dave designed and wrote the original software program (JMS) in 1983 for a joiner based in Somerset. He had a love for mathematics which he put to good use in the complex calculations which are embedded within the JMS software. In 2004 two of his sons joined to help develop and expand the company and in 2006 Joinerysoft was born. Joinerysoft now has over 1000 customers from as far away as Australia, New Zealand, Canada as well as a large number of bespoke joiners in the UK.

Although semi-retired Dave still took great interest in the staff, software development and customers. Alan and Tom intend to grow Joinerysoft further to ensure their fathers legacy lives on. David will be known for his ability to think outside the box and will be sadly missed by his family, friends and colleagues.

Alan Turner, Managing Director of Joinerysoft says, “Tom and I are proud to be continuing in our Father’s footsteps. We are excited about the future at Joinerysoft.

The last year has seen a growth in JMS 3D Pro sales and CNC links and Joinerysoft has recently recruited a new installer to cater for increased demand. Joinerysoft is continuing to invest in JMS Cloud development providing the benefits of job tracking and management information for all sizes of joinery manufacturer, from one man band upwards.”

Joinerysoft now has 3 main products in its family consisting of JMS 2D, JMS 3D Pro and now JMS Cloud. JMS helps joinery workshops all over the world save time, reduce wastage, increase productivity and in turn increase profit.

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