Recent changes to Part L of building regulations in England, effective since June, mark a significant step towards achieving the Government’s Future Homes Standard by 2025. This standard aims to drastically reduce carbon emissions from new homes.
Part L focuses on energy performance, particularly for elements like windows and doors. These changes tighten rules on carbon emissions for both new and existing dwellings.
Installers now face stricter requirements when replacing windows and doors, needing high-performance glass products with lower U-values to limit heat loss.
For new dwellings, the maximum U-value for windows has dropped to 1.6 W/(m²·K), with an implicit expectation of achieving even lower values, ideally at 1.2 W/(m²·K). Replacement windows in existing dwellings must now meet a maximum U-value of 1.4 W/(m²·K).
Anticipating the Future Homes Standard in 2025, window U-values may need to drop further, potentially to 0.8 W/(m²·K).
Manufacturers must prepare for these regulatory changes. While triple glazing may become mandatory, exploring various glass and glazing solutions becomes essential for energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction.
However, it's crucial to recognize that these changes are just the initial phase. Pre-empting further regulatory adjustments and understanding the energy efficiency of chosen glass products will be pivotal in meeting evolving targets and standards in the years to come.
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