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Causeway Joinery choose JMS software for bespoke joinery

Posted in None in Feb 2013

Paul Chapman, owner of Causeway Joinery has been in joinery since leaving school. Starting as an apprentice 27 years ago at Causeway Joinery he has remained ever since, with just a short gap working for the fire service. He subsequently bought the business when the previous owner retired.

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Paul has seen the business grow since he took over in 2001, despite a setback in 2008 when a fire destroyed the premises and everything in it. He believes it took him 2 years to get back to the same footing he was on before the fire, but it also provided him with an opportunity to revaluate how the business went forward. He says, “As more and more enquiries come in we will continue to look at ways to put systems in place that will speed up production times. The answer isn’t always to employ more personnel.” Causeway Joinery currently has 7 bench joiners as well as Kerry and Paul in the office.

Keen to see the business moving forward, Paul has in the last 12 months invested in Joinerysoft’s Joinery Management Software for quoting and manufacturing as well as a Trend window system which links to it. Later this year he is also purchasing in an in-house spray booth to remove the necessity of additional transport and outsourcing.

The catalyst for change came with the introduction of the new office administrator, Kerry, who was brought in to relieve Paul of the quoting for the business. Not having a background in joinery Kerry initially struggled with the vast amount of information that for Paul was automatic. As with many businesses, it soon became apparent that most of the information required for quoting was stored in Paul’s head. Paul decided to get away from their existing system which relied upon pre-existing knowledge and start a new system that Kerry could be involved in setting up. After a demonstration by Joinerysoft he could see that not only would it quote large jobs quickly, the software would also handle the custom joinery that was key to their business. Paul explains, “We do all bespoke work, including windows, doors, stairs and kitchens. No two jobs are ever the same and sometimes every item in the job is different too. We need software that can handle the variety of joinery that we produce but also quote quickly.”

Causeway Joinery received two days installation/training with the software and has access to continued support both by phone and over the internet which allows Joinerysoft staff to demonstrate how to do tasks remotely. Paul admits it has taken some time to set up JMS, however, he says, “It is only by doing it yourself that you decide how you want the system to work for you – how to set it up. JMS is so flexible that we can set it up specifically for our manufacturing process.” He adds, “The investment of time setting up Joinerysoft was worth it. I can now order all glass, ironmongery and timber in advance of the project start and know that it will be correct.”

Time savings are not limited to quoting alone; the workshop is also benefiting from JMS cutting sheets, providing consistent, accurate setting out details automatically and further minimising the risk of manual error. The advance ordering of materials through JMS also helps the workshop to get ahead and check materials in advance of when they are needed. Like many joinery manufacturers Causeway Joinery can have problems with glass, with 3 out of 10 pieces being rejected due to scratches or blemishes. Advance ordering provides time to replace items without delaying production and ensures high standards of quality are maintained.

Paul believes that JMS will help the business to grow further. He says, “Quoting has been improved by removing the emphasis from my pre-existing knowledge and allowed us to put systems in place that support our high standards of quality. Empowering Kerry to take on quoting has taken a load off my shoulders and I can continue to focus on where the company is headed rather than being bogged down with paperwork.” Paul is planning to purchase Joinerysoft’s JMS stair module next to complement the other modules already purchased.

Causeway Joinery Ltd

Tel: 01342 850170

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